By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
These kind of indicators might be beyond the post-move doldrums. It is possible that you may have something known as "relocation depression". Relocation depression is indeed a thing--the starting point is after all the craziness of the move disperses--and must be taken seriously and diagnosed if you are unable to shake it by yourself.
These are generally several of the warning signs to watch out for, the presence of some of these in a couple of week span means it is time to receive some professional help.
You Are Unable To Get Out of Bed
When you do, you're sluggish and really do not have the strength to get through your day. Sleep loss can be another characteristic of depression; you're drained continuously, nevertheless you cannot go to sleep. Or you can sleep--12 hours at a time and you are still exhausted.
Decrease of Interest in Anything
In your past residence or city, you had your schedule as well as your stuff--work, friends, hobbies--that loaded your months. Now, you have your job, but your friends didn't accompany you and it's tough to be passionate about your interests if, much like a third-grader, you do not have anyone to play with. Grownups needs good friends too, so never feel bad or remorseful that you happen to be a little lonely.
In case you just can't get enthusiastic about anything--hobbies, your job, making new pals, getting together with family--likelihood is it is a sign of depression. Together with the blahs comes the inability to focus--if something might capture your attention, it would not keep going but a few minutes and you'd zone out.
Reluctance to Leave the House
The new residence is your refuge, and you simply don't wish to get away from it. Besides, you've got TV shows for binging, and your social network to check. Social media is a double-edged sword as it lets you keep up with pals, however it can also facilitate and abet in your staying in and not making new friends.
There are certain things that can be done to remove the haze, so try these and determine if you feel better.
Get Some Exercise--Active people feel healthier, so get out and just go walking a couple of times each day. For those who have a dog this is a built-in excuse to get outside. Build up that outdoors time each day.
Scale Back or Do away with Alcohol--This is a depressant, therefore it is advisable to steer clear of it until you are feeling better.
Talk with People--Take a program or enroll in a newcomers group. Volunteer--extra hands and abilities are always welcome. Just a couple new acquaintances will make a significant difference.
Try Something New--Go to museums, cafes, cinema, restaurants--explore your new community and get to know it. Staying occupied is like exercise--it keeps the adrenaline moving along and you will have additional energy.
In case these home cures do not help, find a counselor. Relocation depression isn't a scam, and left untreated, may spiral into something even worse. You know yourself better than anyone, and in case things aren't quite right, pay attention to your body and mind. Moving to Colorado Springs is considered one of life's most traumatic occurrences, however it doesn't have to be a source of despair or depression.
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