By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
So now, have you read the small print on the written agreement? If you failed to read the total thing, and quite a few folks do not get past the dates and numbers before their eyeballs glaze over, get it, have a seat, and study it now. Fill an additional cup of coffee if you have to, but once you arrive at the part concerning what the movers in Colorado Springs are unable to put on the moving van, chances are pretty good that contract is going to have your complete attention.
A Pop Quiz about what You Can't Transport
Which of these is Prohibited on a moving truck? Are some of these illegal for the crew to load and transfer, or is it simply company policy? The answer is a really straightforward, this will depend.
· Yucca Plant
· Lawnmower
· Fireworks
· Money
The one thing mentioned above that could go on the moving van is the lawn mower--if the gas and oil reservoirs have been drained. Houseplants normally cannot cross state lines--that is a legal issue--and moving companies in Colorado Springs don't want any bugs living in leaves or the soil jumping ship into the truck itself.
Fireworks are banned.
Moving companies aren't going to be liable for valuable items on the moving van. Your homeowner’s insurance may take care of any material mishaps, but most likely won't replace missing cash. Get it to the bank and get it as soon as you are settled or take it along with you.
What is considered Illegal to Transfer
So, the list of the things it's not possible to pack and load is not such a bore, after all. These are some other things which movers are not going to load, as well as the main reasons why not.
Any item that is flammable, corrosive, explosive or combustible and may theoretically place the lives of the workers as well as the equipment in danger, is unlawful. So, a mower having an unfilled gas/oil reservoir is okay, however an aerosol can of disinfectant isn't.
· House plants--a number of states have regulations about what houseplants might traverse the state line. Bugs and pests that are not a problem in a few states are substantial threats in others, so leave your houseplants for the next door neighbor or give them to your pals. If you are bringing the pots, wash them with bleach prior to when you load them.
· Alcohol--rules differ between states. Be safe and have an empty the bar occasion prior to when you move.
· Gasoline
What A lot of Company Rules Restrict
Each professional mover in Colorado Springs has its own set of restricted things, but these tend to be the common things you can expect to leave behind or bring yourself.
Chemicals are based on their potential to have interaction with other matter and modify the structure and substance of the matter. Simply put, this means that should you put weed killer and wood stains on the truck together and they happen to interact under pressure or heat, seriously awful things can happen. And if you think several bottles of nail polish and remover plus a chemistry set will not pack enough of a wallop to make a difference, you would be wrong. Consequently DO NOT pack the subsequent.
· Household Cleaning products
· Paint and Paint Remover--this includes nail polish
· Pool chemicals
· Pesticides, Weed Killers, as well as Fertilizers
· Aerosol Cans
· Perishable Foods
· Fireworks
Grocery delivery is an excellent thing--buy on the internet and have your cleaning supplies, paper items, and foodstuffs sent after you've reached your new residence.
If you have any questions regarding some products, consult your moving company in Colorado Springs before moving day, particularly if you need to make other plans for transport or charitable contributions.
Click HERE for A-1 Freeman Moving Group’s listing of Non-Transportable Items.
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