By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
1. Turkey in a Box?
The phrase "turkey in a box" is one I originally heard my Mom use following her recent retirement. My Mother is (and always has been) the "hostess with the most-ess," yet as she continues to age, coordinating a full-blown Thanksgiving meal is just not in her wheelhouse anymore. Still wanting to have the perfect holiday meal hosted at her residence, she has resorted to the boxed choices available at many retail grocery places. You will find good reasons why these types of pre-packaged meals are expanding in popularity such as:
· These traditional turkey dinners come with all the fixings like stuffing, gravy as well as pecan pie for dessert
· Other options typically consist of beef, ham or vegetarian selections for the main course together with relevant trimmings
· The foods are typically pre-cooked as well as prepared meaning they merely require some heating or chilling in advance of serving
· Ingredients commonly are available in microwave-safe dishes making heating them a breeze
· The potential to order them in advance and possibly, you might have these boxed dinners dropped at your doorstep
For those who have just moved to Colorado Springs in the recent past, you needn't track down all the necessary cooking items, roasting dishes, cookware so that you can prepare everything that is usually desired in a Thanksgiving dinner given this alternative.
2. Potluck Possibilities
This approach is one which is relished and adopted by many households over the holidays and this is an ideal possibility to commence a potluck platform for Thanksgiving. This idea is well-liked because it brings foods to the table which might be unique favorites by those people who make them such as "Grandmother's Awesome Apple Pie" or "Auntie Edna's Astounding Stuffing" also keep in mind "Uncle Ernie's Superb Deviled Egg Snacks."
For people who have just moved to Colorado Springs and may not have an array of plates or flatware handy, requests for these things are able to be instituted included in a potluck request. For example, if Grandma is bringing her awesome apple pie, request that she in addition provide dessert plates and forks along with her dessert. There is also paper or plastic plates and utensils which you can use because family and friends know the fact your household has just moved.
3. Renting or Borrowing
If Thanksgiving happens shortly after you have just moved and some of your bigger things like furniture remain in storage, have no fear since you can always rent or borrow things like tables and chairs. Think about your friends or relatives like your big bro with a large pickup truck and a kitchen table that's easily transportable. Have you considered your neighbor who's going out of town for the holiday and might have this stuff available for you to borrow?
If you're going down the rental route, make sure you get hold of these places ASAP as holidays and special events are always a hectic time for them. However, these companies are generally well-stocked with chairs and tables since this is the bread-and-butter of their market.
4. An Alternative Place
The term "host" has lots of definitions from being the residence to a parasite to a place who supplies a facility and location for a specific function along with individuals who serve as a master of ceremonies. Yet, the meaning, "a person who receives or entertains visitors socially, commercially, or officially" applies in this situation. As you'll see, the term home or residence does not occur as a part of this definition.
Therefore technically, an individual can host a Thanksgiving meal while not preparing the meal themselves or furnishing the space in which it'll be eaten. Think about lots of restaurants and various establishments which are open on this holiday to serve your guests. In searching for selections on the web that are available, you'll find spots such as local casinos which provide all-you-can-eat buffets as an economical option.
A Concluding Inspirational Moment
Even if you don't use any of these solutions to host your holiday supper, the arrival of Thanksgiving can conceivably encourage individuals who have recently moved to Colorado Springs to unpack their belongings sooner instead of later. Hosting this celebration can also be an excellent way to invite your friends and relatives to view your new home making your new residence appear more like home.
And so, to conclude, Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at A-1 Freeman Moving Group in Colorado Springs! Here's hoping you truly enjoy all the gratitude you'll feel when surrounded by friends and family in your new area over the holiday season.
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