By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
1) Use Your Technology for Good
You'll find loads of apps to help you manage a move--they will keep track of everything from your packing (save photographs of what you place in each and every carton) to establishing utilities (big life skill) to finding a moving company in Colorado Springs. You can share the details with roommates or family so everyone is certainly in the know.
2) Low-Tech Even Now Rules for Moving
All the fun apps on this planet won't be able to replace old-fashioned cardboard boxes along with packing tape. Here is a moving trick that you're going to utilize for the rest of your life--buy small cardboard boxes. Of course, you may get more stuff in a sizeable box, however they get heavy very quickly. Lots of small boxes are more effective rather than a handful of huge ones.
So, you need cardboard boxes, tape (spring for the tape gun), some newsprint or bubble wrap for cushioning, and markers. When you are extremely structured, you may use color coded markers on your cardboard boxes, but a majority of people are happy with a black wide-tip Sharpie.
One larger box that is worth investing in is a wardrobe box--a heavy-duty container which has a metal hanging bar over the top. You can stow your hanging apparel in this box without having to concern yourself with wrinkles and dry cleaning when you unpack. Check with your local moving company in Colorado Springs for any specialty boxes that you might need.
3) Allow Enough time
Recollect when you were attending college and could pack up and proceed to another apartment (or room in the frat house) in a few hours? Put that out of your mind. Now you have pieces of furniture, electronic devices, kayaks, and all sorts of items that you often keep in your parent's basement. Not to mention your video game collection. Have a couple of weeks at minimum to pack up for your move--the further you're going, the longer time you will need.
A great principle is one or two days for each room--you might pack up a studio apartment a lot quicker than you could a two-bedroom condo. Chuck everything you do not even use or will not need--donate it, give it away or maybe trash it.
4) Know Your Boundaries
Indeed, you're youthful and able to undertake the world, nevertheless you may still require professional movers, especially if you have stuff like a motorcycle or perhaps a snow mobile. In case you are moving a good distance and flying to your new residence, you'll also need to move your car. Professional movers in Colorado Springs will be able to pack and move ALL your stuff for you, and you won't have to concern yourself with it not getting there in one piece.
Should it be at all in your budget, you should think about working with a professional moving company in Colorado Springs for the move. If you're relocating for a job, your moving package perhaps contains this perk, so definitely take advantage of it.
5) Snap a Selfie
Little is ever legitimate until it's a story on social media, thus be sure to take a picture as soon as you're in your new residence. Being a professional mover in Colorado Springs, we're here to perform the hard work for you and may even join you in the selfie, if you would like. Contact us today for information on A-1 Freeman Moving Group’s services, selfies are free.
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