April 21, 2017
Hey, Colorado Springs: These 8 Office Relocation Blunders Can Really Drain Your Finances

At A-1 Freeman Moving Group, we’ve got a right answer for you – one that can help you steer clear of 8 gaffes that we, as office relocation specialists, find all too typically made:
- Not Planning Ahead. As soon as you realize you’ve got to move, that’s when you should commence planning for it. Sadly, too many companies launch into their office relocation planning a little too late. Too late for what, you ask? Well, too late for moving companies and other suppliers to draft a reasonable proposal for you, let alone properly deliver the goods and services you purchase from them. It’s best to be mindful of one thing in particular: too little time often opens the door for too many mistakes. Let the size of your company and the complexity of your move – i.e., the number of tasks that must be performed before other tasks can be begun – guide you in determining how soon is soon enough.
- Not Checking Out Your Mover Properly. Office relocations are complex. You need a moving company that knows how to handle office furniture and modular systems, computer systems and networking, office equipment, machinery, and hardware, cabling, phone systems, security systems, building permits, and ... that’s just to begin with}48]! So, whatever moving companies you’re Really Drain Your Finances">
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