By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Thankfully, you can safely move to Colorado Springs during Covid if you just comply with these four suggestions for a healthy move.
Moving companies in Colorado Springs are typically viewed as essential, and the majority are open for business. They are ensuring that all the workers they send out are healthy, and so they are depending on you to apply good Covid hygiene. Please remember that in case there is a Covid outbreak in the company, they might not possess the workers to cover all their scheduled moves, so flexibility on your part is crucial. Just like you would grin and bear it for a snowstorm, have the same courtesy for your crew's safety.
Select A Virtual Estimate
Virtual quotes from moving companies in Colorado Springs are standard currently anyhow, so you're able to talk to and engage a mover from an online social distance. A video call allows you to walk through your residence and the mover's representative on the other end will be able to evaluate your needs and present an estimate without at any time visiting your house. You may need to send sizes for some home furnishings, but a professional mover in Colorado Springs can ascertain the trucks and crew you will require online.
Follow the Three W's
Wear a mask. In cold weather, wear it even inside the residence--there's not much air circulation within a sealed-up residence thus take the additional step of covering your face even around family members. If you reside in a warmer climate it is not essential to wear it inside, but once the movers arrive ensure everybody has a mask on at all times.
Wash your hands--a lot. Use soap instead of hand sanitizer anytime you can. If you're unable to wash, use hand sanitizer, but scrub with soap and hot water regularly.
Wait for the professional movers in Colorado Springs to perform their jobs--stay six feet apart, and merely have patience. Fight the impulse to hand the crew boxes and small furniture pieces, and simply help from a distance. It's generally wise to stay out of the way even lacking a pandemic and let the professionals work in peace.
Sanitize Your new Home Prior To Move In
It is also generally a good idea to have a new home cleaned just before you move in, however with Covid it becomes an total must. The professionals don't believe that the virus lives more than a few days on surfaces, although with new strains popping up no one is able to be sure. If you're unable to engage a team to come clean prior to when you arrive there, go in advance of the moving trucks armed with disinfectant, bleach, and gloves so you can verify a virus-free habitat as you do take the family in.
Remain on Top of State Policies
States are doing their best to help keep businesses running as successfully as they can, however even vital retailers are working less hours. Before you pack up, ensure you are able to take care of the basics such as buying groceries once you get to your new home, and that prescriptions are filled prior to going. You can shop online for delivery in most parts of the country now; check out grocery stores and apps such as Instacart to discover what is available in your location.
These 4 simple actions will assist you to manage a safe, healthy, and stress-free move…as long as the weather holds out!
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